4. Bruce Springsteen -- I respect the amount of effort that he puts into his live performances, but I can't figure out how this guy has sustained a 30-year music career with the crap he puts out. Evidently the blue-collar thing appeals to a large segment of our society. I just find his music boring and predictable.
5. The Doors -- In a historical context, the Doors were significant. Their stage shows were wild and unpredictable, and Jim Morrison exuded a sexualty that was almost unparalled. In these ways, they personified the counter-culture of that era. But, Morrison was a freak and his poetry/lyrics, especially toward the end of his life, were so abstract as to be nonsensical. It was just drug-induced drivel. His untimely death catapulted him into "rock hero" status that was massively overstated and undeserved. The keyboards were one-dimensional, although cool on occasion (e.g. "Light My Fire"). While they had a few good tunes ("Hello, I Love You" rocks), their catalog of music, when viewed in its entirety, absolutely does not merit the adulation they have received in the annals of rockdom. Maybe their "greatness" will dawn on me someday, like it did with Hendrix in my early 20s. So far 30 years of listening hasn't done the trick.
7. Eric Clapton (1980s to present) -- As a guitarist myself, I feel like I'm commiting an act of sacrilege by saying this. But, everything Clapton put out after the 1970s is crap. These days, his guitar tone sucks, most of his recent songs are not memorable (save "Tears in Heaven"), and he no longer plays with the fire of his youth (to be fair, none of us do). Just compare his solo on the live version of "Crossroads" with anything he's put out over the last 20 years. There's no question that he deserves his legendary status for his work in The Yardbirds, John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers, Cream, and Derek and the Dominos. But beyond that, forget it.
9. Pearl Jam -- Hailed by many as a premier grunge band, they were somehow able to "fool some of the people all of the time" with below-average songs, non-sensical lyrics, and a disheveled singer who sounded like he was trying to keep from swallowing a mouthful of cough syrup. Also, pick a melody and stick with it, for crying out loud. (Sorry, Myke)
Dishonorable mention:
Blue-collar rock: John "Cougar" Mellencamp (sucked from Day 1)
Punk: Sonic Youth (trashy, sloppy, sucky)
Jam Band: Dave Matthews Band (quirky and unconventional can be cool; but, in the case, it just sucks).
EMO: The Smiths (one word: Morrissey)
Brit Rock: Oasis (a couple of great songs. But, how many different ways can you write the same song?)
That was pretty fun. I'll update If I think of more.