Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Local Politics Are Not For Me

Tuesdays are busy days for me. After work I pick up little man for soccer practice (I'm the head coach) and, after an hour-and-a-half of chasing fifteen 11-year-olds around, I take him home and head over to band practice. Practice last night was pretty fun, despite my tiredness. Dan Mole's (the bass player) wife came to watch us play. It was the first time in their 8-year marriage that she had seen him play. She seemed impressed. 

Afterward, Dan, his wife (can't remember her name), and I had a chance to chat a bit. He reminded me of the time a few weeks prior that I ran into him at the Nixon Library during a live broadcast of the John Phillips radio show (Ann Coulter was Phillip's guest for the evening). Dan was surprised to see me there. He and his wife have both been politically active over the past few years. Dan was the Orange County chairman of the Carly Fiorina campaign for the U.S. Senate. His wife had been on staff for a U.S. Congressman. 

Dan told me that he used to think the major power center was in D.C. However, he later learned that local politics is where the real levers of power are located. He said that he could introduce me into the political scene if I wanted. I've always been intrigued by the idea, but have contented myself with blogging and/or discussions with friends. My brief flirtation with the idea ended after Dan told me how jaded he had become after getting heavily involved in local politics. "You think the Republicans actually believe what they say about lower taxes, freedom, liberty...", he said. "But they are really in it for the money, the prestige...which committee they can get on to gain status." I was disheartened by that. I truly believe in the concepts of limited government, lower taxes, liberty, and the like. I am not naive about politicians, but Dan made it sound as though there were no true believers. This notion disabused me of any desire to involve myself in local politics. 

So...I guess it's back to blogging!

Monday, August 15, 2011


I have been away for many moons. Had a thought to look up my blog and take a stroll down memory lane. Glad I did.