Monday, September 05, 2005

A Realm of Madness

There are so many things to absob in the aftermath of the recent natural disaster that it's hard to know where to begin. As a voracious consumer of news, I find the reaction of many in the lamestream media as predictable as it is sad. Everything is the Bush Administration's fault, including the levees built to Hurricane Level 3 specifications, the hurricane itself, the people who stayed behind, the default of municipal and state authorities, the difficulty of helping those who stayed behind, and the criminals who have exploited the vulnerable and impeded the rescue efforts. There's no question that many failures have been made on the local, state, and federal levels. But, it is distasteful to watch the Administration's opponents try to gain political advantage as a tragedy is unfolding. One of President Bush's former speechwriters, David Frum, has a run-down of some of the complaints being lodged against the Administration.

UPDATE: Read this account of the MSM in their own (contradictory) words here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Some on the left are so full of hatred for the President and his supporters that they can't even bring themselves to help a "W" supporter with a baby in her hour of need. At least it appears that this person had a (somewhat unexpected) pang of guilt, which gives me some hope. Nevertheless, people like this--and the thugs in New Orleans who were shooting at rescuers--are a national disgrace and an embarassment.

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