Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hillary Pilloried

The left is not going to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for her vote to authorize the Iraq War. A former UN weapons inspector claims Hillary knew during her husband's administration that Iraq had disarmed, but she voted for the resolution anyway.

In a speech delivered at the time of the vote, Hillary spoke of her "conviction" that the resolution was "in the best interests of the nation." While I do believe Hillary is a dishonest, vindictive person, I have no idea whether her vote that day was predicated on a sincere belief in the faulty intelligence that was available at the time or not.

The inspector has no such reservation:
Hillary can try to twist and turn the facts as she defends the words she spoke when casting her fateful vote in favor of a war with Iraq. But no amount of rewriting history can shield her from the failed policies of her very own husband, policies she embraced willingly and wholeheartedly when endorsing war.

Run, Hillary, run. But your race towards the White House will never outpace the hypocrisy and duplicity inherent in your decision to vote for war in Iraq.

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