Monday, September 08, 2008

President Bush's gaffes are numerous and well chronicled. However, the mounting number of gaffes committed by Barack Obama have garnered very little attention in the mainstream media (for obvious reasons). For instance, who knew that America has 60 states?

Not only do we have 60 states, but new ones are being created everyday! Have you ever heard of "New Pennsylvania?" Apparently Obama recently campaigned there.

President Bush has been ridiculed for years for misspeaking and mangling the language. I'm certainly not going to defend him for that. But, the growing number of gaffes by Obama have gone largely unreported. Wonder why?

Oh, one more thing, just wait until Joe Biden gets going. That guy is a pompous windbag and a gaffe machine. Get out your popcorn. This is going to be fun!

1 comment:

Myke said...

Don't forget his recent gaffe about his "muslim faith." I think the difference here is volume. On a campaign trail, or in the Presidency, you're going to misspeak; it's inevitable. But Bush has made hundreds and hundreds of gaffes, as evidenced by the Bushisms calendars. One is funny; three or more is deserving of some ridicule, hundreds is frightening.