Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

On days like today that I like to take a few moments to count all of my blessings. It's healthy to get a proper perspective on life. So, here goes.

I am so grateful for all the rich blessings God has bestowed on me. I have a wonderful family, terrific friends, a great job, a nice house, a good church, my health (well, I've been fighting with that a little lately). I live in a nice community in the beautiful State of California in the greatest nation on earth. While she's not perfect, I'm proud of my country and especially thankful for those who place their lives on the line to protect us and preserve our way of life. Whereas he was not my choice for president, I'm proud that our country has elected her first black president. What a wonderful statement to our young people that, if you get an education and work hard, you can achieve almost anything. What a great country.

I could go on and on. But, I have to get ready to go to our annual Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt and uncle's house. So on this wonderful day I want to wish all my loved ones that happiest of Thanksgivings. I love you all and am grateful that you are a part of my life. 

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