Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Joke That Stupid People Laugh At

Christopher Hitchens is an interesting guy. I tend to either vehemently disagree (e.g. religion) or agree with him (Iraq War) on most of the larger issues of the day. This video definitely falls within the latter category. It's beautiful.

From the comments section:

We all know from personal experience that stupid people think Bush-is-stupid jokes are hilarious and true. But that’s because they’re stupid.

Hitchens remarks to the audience, ‘None of you is smarter than George Bush.’

But I’m sure the Maher audience is packed with Harvard MBAs who can fly jet fighters. No doubt many have been general managers of major league baseball franchises and quadrupled their value. The audience must be wall-to-wall with former two-term governors of large states and former two-term presidents of the United States. And you can bet most of Maher’s audience have liberated 50 million people from tyranny.

Why, Maher himself has hosted a number of low-rated talk shows and made an unseen documentary. Need we say more?

Luckily, as GW passes from the scene, stupid people can obsess about Governor Palin of Alaska. They can even laugh at the same old jokes, now that they know the punchlines.

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