Saturday, July 23, 2005


Darren Varieur made his re-debut with the band tonight and did a phenomenal job (as he always does). However, LTA was in for bit of a RUDE aWAKEning at Rude Dog tonight. Turns out that someone who used to regularly frequent the bar died last week and the place was packed with his depressed/angry/drunk friends who had just come from his wake. Needless to say it wasn't the best vibe for a rock concert. We tried to be sensitive to the situation and played a bit mellow at first. The crowd seemed very receptive to our first song "Is Seeing Believing?" But, after that the response was so-so. I think we piqued their interest for a bit and then they remembered why they were there and got more drunk (although, the bouncer said that nearly all the regulars stayed through our set--well beyond the time that they usually leave--so that was a good sign). Gene Gene the Dancing Machine (white version) made a brief appearance during "Nothing Can Separate Us," so it was nice to see him. Mike Sanchez' other band, Gadgetcar, was supposed to play 3rd, but got bumped to 4th (last) and he got very upset and almost left. But it appeared that he and his other band mates worked it out and they ended up playing late into the evening.

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