Saturday, July 23, 2005

And Then They Came After Us

This is another outstanding article by one of my favorite columnists, Victor Davis Hanson. VDH has a unique talent at clarifying issues. In this case, he discusses the canard that recent terrorist attacks were brought on by American foregin policy. Here's a sample:

"So it is was becoming clear that butchery by radical Muslims in Bali, Darfur, Iraq, the Philippines Thailand, Turkey, Tunisia, and Iraq was not so tied to particular and “understandable” Islamic grievances. Perhaps the jihadist killing was not over the West Bank or U.S. hegemony after all, but rather symptoms of a global pathology of young male Islamic radicals blaming all others for their own self-inflicted miseries, convinced that attacks on the infidel would win political concessions, restore pride, and prove to Israelis, Europeans, Americans — and about everybody else on the globe — that Middle Eastern warriors were full of confidence and pride after all."

You should read the whole article--it is excellent.

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