Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Dead In New Orleans: More Joy For The Anti-War Club

This article by Phil Hendrie, a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host (and a Democrat), who asks the question,
"Why does the American Anti-War movement not seek to in get new members...using logic, political science, or history? Why does it instead rely heavily on invective and slander? Well the answer is that they are unable to persuade using logic, political science or history and hence realize the futility of trying to amass anti-Vietnam numbers in their movement. So they default to a bunker mentality. They become a club, a kind of preservation society, the Preservation of Seeing The World The Way It Was In 1968 Society. When the winds of change blew through this country like a screaming banshee on 9/11, the future shock was so disorienting and stunning to these people, they closed the shutters and locked the doors on the clubhouse. From inside they called out their disapproval, lurching from one reactionary position to another. But mostly, they talked to and with themselves. Over a period of time, they became delusional, thinking the country was with them. And then came the Presidential election of 2004. They got their ass kicked so hard they had a hard time even believing it. It should have occurred to them right then and there that, however right they thought they were, they weren't convincing anyone. Maybe they'd come out of the clubhouse and get a little air."

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