Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some Help for FEMA

Conan O'Brien last night on the evacuation efforts in the Gulf Coast:
The celebrities are now getting involved. That’s what they need. Forget the food and water, bring in the celebrities! Today Celine Dion criticized President Bush for not getting more people out of the city before the hurricane. She went on to say that she could have driven everyone out in two songs.


Anonymous said...

Blogging Voices Of Katrina
Way back in 1970 when the world was falling apart -- one of the advantages of growing older is the realizaton that the world falls apart pretty regularly -- I was working on a strange upstart magazine called ...
Hallo, bin ein wenig gesurft und fand dein blog. Ich denke du hast ein interessantes Thema hier. Auf jeden Fall werde ich dich und dein blog zu den Favoriten nehmen.

Ich habe eine Seite über microsoft windows netzwerk. Hier findest du alles über microsoft windows netzwerk und noch viel mehr !

Wenn du Zeit hast, schau doch mal vorbei ! :-)

LTA said...

I was following you until the German kicked in