Thursday, March 30, 2006

Getting Chilly In the Great White North

This is an interesting discussion about the passage of "hate crime" legislation in Canada that outlaws speech condemning homosexuality. The concern is that criminalizing public criticism of homosexuality will place members of religious groups who speak out in opposition to gay marriage, for example, in legal jeopardy. The law, which passed in 2004, is disparagingly called the "Bible as Hate Literature" bill by its detractors.

One commenter to the post had it right, saying:

The "War On Christians" conference in Washington, D.C. has it right. In Canada, as in America, the only free speech the Christophobes are interested in preserving is that which agrees with their agenda.

And no matter what their intent may be, "hate crime" laws are the fascist first cousin of Orwellian "thought crimes".

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