Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Last Bastion of Liberalism

Via Powerline:

Scott [Johnson] did not miss what he called the irony of Yale attempting to keep the U.S. military off its campus for not sufficiently embracing gays, while at the same time admitting a former official of a regime that executed people for alleged moral corruption.

Yale's behavior illustrates how bankrupt academic liberlism has become. Other than deeply-rooted anti-Americanism, I can think of no coherent theory that would justify admitting a former Taliban official as a Yale student while not permitting the U.S. military to talk to Yale students on campus.

When one considers this issue, the recent mock trial of President Bush for war crimes in a New Jersey High School, and the the rantings of a leftist teacher to a captive audience of high school students, it is no wonder people are concerned that a virulent strain of liberal anti-Americanism has infected our schools. Conservatives/traditionalists need to take our schools back, just as we have the Supreme Court.

(image by: Cox and Forkum)

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