Tuesday, October 17, 2006

AUSTIN BAY on North Korea: "The bitter irony of our times is the ability of dictators to threaten neighbors with their own collapse." (h/t Instapundit)

Captain's Quarters has some interesting commentary on the reaction of the Chinese to NoKo's beligerence.

Apparently, Kim Jong-Il's nuclear surprise last week didn't just upset the various democracies in the Pacific. The Australian reported yesterday that Beijing has begun to consider a move that would have outraged the world fifteen years ago, but which might get tacit support now that North Korea has gone nuclear:

THE Chinese are openly debating "regime change" in Pyongyang after last week's nuclear test by their confrontational neighbour.

That's potentially huge news, since China is the key player here. There's no question that any sanctions regime would be rendered totally ineffective if China fails to enforce activity along their border. It is apparent that their kooky friend, Kim Jung Mentally-Il, has finally gone too far and forced their hand. For as much as China wants to avoid a potential refugee crisis, I have a feeling that it is more important to their national interests to remove Japan's incentive to become a nuclear power.


Ashot M said...

hey larry, ashot here... i just heard this in passing the other day so i have no idea about its validity, but as soon as all this started happening china started building a 10-15ft wall on its border.

LTA said...

Interesting. I hadn't heard that. That wouldn't be terribly surprising considering their obvious concern about North Korean refugees.

I wonder if there are any Chinese student protesters claiming their government is racist for trying to protect its borders. Nah, only in America, my friend.