Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Critical Asses

Last time Bob and I were in The People's Republic of Soviet Monica, we watched a large bike ride that included some weirdos, anti-war protestors, and the like. I didn't think much of it, since it appeared rather harmless and not unusual for the area. After reading this article, I'm not so sure about how harmless these Critical Mass bike rides are.
It was supposed to be a birthday night out for the kids in San Francisco, but instead turned into a Critical Mass horror show -- complete with a pummeled car, a smashed rear window and little children screaming in terror.
I understand these freaks were trying to make a point. But, if these people ever threaten my children like they did that family in San Francisco, it won't take long for the situation to reach critical mass.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My account of this incident: This was towards the end of the ride (after splitting off and dissipating). We had about 30 people by the time we were leaving Japantown when I heard a noise, which I could even hear over the music, and I turned my head to see a minivan on my left just having run over a bike and saw the rider on the ground. Riders nearby yelled at the driver to stop and the minivan just sped away. Many people in the ride chased after the van and surrounded it after catching up with it at the red light. The driver had her hand pressed on the horn the entire time. The cops got there pretty much right away as they were following right behind us. I rode away with the rest of the ride but some people stayed behind to deal with the cops. I didn't see the rear window get smashed but I can say that I only saw the couple sitting in the front of the minivan as the rest of the windows were heavily tinted and we could not see that there was anyone else in the vehicle.

If anyone cares, you can see that the windows were tinted in this video of the awful KRON4 news report: