Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is Civil War Inevitable?

The Belmont Club has an interesting post about the destruction of the al Askariya mosque in Samarra, Iraq. Of particular interest is the comments section, which discusses the potential near-term implications. Wretchard quotes a site called World War 4 Report:
"There is really a three-way civil war underway throughout the Islamic world. The three inter-related conflicts are: 1.) Sunni v. Shia, 2.) fundamentalism v. secularism, and 3.) national liberation v. imperialism. The sad irony is that it is the social iniquities that underly this last contradiction that provide the raw material of endemic rage—which is increasingly exploited, siphoned off as it were, into the prior two. Fundamentalists conflate secularism and imperialism (given a propaganda boost by their neocon enemies, who do likewise), and pose the only alternative as a purified, hegemonic Islam which must, of course, crush internal heresy."

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