Thursday, February 16, 2006

Moonbats Are Crashing The Party

I sincerely believe that many liberals love this country deeply and, while I may disagree with them on certain policy issues, I don't view them as 'evil' or 'enemies.' Unfortunately, much of the 'debate' from the political left these days is reduced to adolescent name-calling, bigotry (primarily against Christians), and hate. This has marginalized the Democrat party which, I believe, has been partly responsible for the electoral trouncings they've endured the last several election cycles.

I find it disturbing that some of the most shrill, hysterical voices aren't coming from the fever swamps in the blogosphere (although much of it is found there), but from the most visible leaders of the Democrat party. The most recent, and I think egregious, example of this outrageous behavior recently occurred in Saudi Arabia, of all places.

Here's what the California Conservative had to say about it:

Al Gore’s recent, outlandish remarks to a Saudi audience not only represent his own scorn for the United States, they are also reflective of this country’s liberal establishment. In short, the overriding sentiment of the left towards America is one of complete contempt. And even a cursory consideration of past and present statements from prominent liberals yields ample supporting evidence for this contention.
Read the rest to see some of that evidence.

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