Thursday, February 02, 2006


Lower Than Angels had its first practice in several months last night and I have to say that it was incredibly fun. We ran through three songs during our 4-1/2 hour rehearsal: Mercy (an old one), Ms. Understanding (a relatively new one) and If Only She Knew (a brand new one). I love when my other bandmates bring their talents and ideas to the song. Together, we create an atmosphere/vibe that's uniquely LTA. It makes the songs so much cooler than they are after I've just written them.

Soncially, it was amazing last night. The guitars sounded incredible, and they blended so well together. Darren Varieur played a Fender strat through a 1960s era Fender Bassman amp. I played my Tom Anderson Cobra through a Matchless DC30 and a 1965 Vox AC30. Bob Hartry played a Les Paul through a new 1x12 custom amp made by a local guy named Mike Moody, and a 1950s era Gibson combo amp that he had purchased earlier in the day from Truetone Music. Wade Varieur (drums) and Dean Tapia (bass) added their excellent skills to the mix to round out the sound that is LTA.

I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by such excellent musicians, and blessed to have each one of them as dear friends.

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