Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bummed In Berkeley

Don't you just love arrogant, condescending liberals who like to do studies "proving" how stupid and childish conservatives are? The study, which sampled kids in Berkeley, California-an ideal place to find a balanced demographic-reportedly found that whiny, insecure kids in nursery school, grew up to be conservatives, while the confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals.

Evidently, things change.

This recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that conservative adults are happier than liberal adults -- in all income groups. Reportedly, while 34 percent of all Americans call themselves "very happy," only 28 percent of liberal Democrats (and 31 percent of moderate or conservative Democrats) do, compared with 47 percent of conservative Republicans.

Interesting. Perhaps the idiot professor from the Journal of Research Into Personality, who also happens to teach at that bastion of conservatism, UC Berkeley, could have obtained a credible result in his study if he had selected children from a more diverse demographic region (after all, they love diversity at Berzerkley, don't they?).

Maybe conservatives in Berkeley were whiny and insecure as kids because they were conservatives in Berkeley. Just a thought.


Myke said...

I had a feeling you'd post on this.

Remember, this article said that the study didn't start out trying to study the political leanings of its participants, but rather started asking about politics years into the study, almost as an afterthought. As a result, the study by the "idiot professor" and his late wife would be less biased than you would think (this was discussed in the article).

As for the notion that conservatives are happier than liberals, I have one suggestion to explain that: conservatives have allowed themselves the convenience of forgetting important things in the world. Conservatives don't have to worry about conservation or recycling or turning off their air conditioning units. They don't have the stress of worrying about global warming (it doesn't exist, does it?) or the simple things, like worrying about money. Conservatives need not fret about peak global oil production, because there's enough to go around for everyone; fossil fuels will last forever, didn't you hear? Conservatives can insulate themselves with their McMansions and SUVs, their piles of money, and their 40-pound value combos (only $4.95!) Mostly, I think conservatives are happy because they doesn't have the petty inconvenience of thinking about the consequences of a fat lifestyle. But that's just a theory.

I guess liberals can be as whiney as conservatives can after all.

LTA said...

Quite a tirade there, buddy. Full of broad generalities, leftist tripe and...yes...condesencion (I guess you proved my point). I was a little disappointed you didn't throw in some type of weird conspiracy theory or something.

If the crux of your argument is that conservatives don't have to worry because they have money, then I guess you weren't reading the post carefully. The Pew survey said conservatives were happier than liberals in ALL income categories.

Hmmm? Doesn't quite fit your worldview, eh?

I wonder how those poor conservatives can be so happy without the "fat lifestyle" afforded by the "piles of money" and "McMansions" (what the hell is a McMansion anyway?) of which you speak? Surely their lives can't be any fun sans an SUV with which to kill the earth.

I even know some awful "wealthy" conservatives that spend lots of money funding foodbanks and sending their own kids to Mexico to work in orphanages for months at a time. Horrible, greedy people.

If conservatives were only as enlightened as liberals we would understand that our priorities are all wrong. We should see things the way liberals do because they're so much more compassionate. Or not.

Regurgitating Marxist bullshit from your university days is not becoming of a smart guy like you.