It's been really remarkable to watch Kobe grow from a selfish egomaniac to a leader who is beginning to transcend the game. He embodies the competitive spirit and, like Michael Jordan in the previous generation, can impose his will on the game, often tipping the balance in the Lakers favor. I think the humiliation of the sexual assault allegations/trial coupled with last season's Lakers debacle had a humbling affect on Kobe. It's nice to see him regain stature as a winner, but more importantly as a leader. I read today that he took time to point out the contributions of each of his teammates in a post-game locker room meeting, praising them for their efforts and perseverance. That's what good leaders do. So many have been surprised by this series because of Kobe's unselfishness.

By the way, congratulations are in order for Kobe and his wife, Vanessa, who gave birth to their second daughter today. Shaquille O'Neal's wife also gave birth to a daughter today. Coincidence? I think not...well, maybe.
I think I just soiled myself. Wait, let me check... yup. Yup, I did.
Your lucky my couch is brown, because I can't tell.
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