Sunday, May 07, 2006

Real Evil In This World

Moral idiots who think George W. Bush/America, etc. are evil would be well advised to read this post at Powerline and, more importantly, the link below to the Mudville Gazette post, for a lesson about real evil in this world.

Someone filmed the appallingly brutal murder of one of Iraq's leading journalists, a young woman named Atwar Bahjat, some weeks ago. At the time, she was reported to have been shot by terrorists. The truth, as detailed by Mudville Gazette, is infinitely worse.

The enemy is evil, and those who try to excuse that evil, or who lavish ridiculous mounts of news coverage on stories like Abu Ghraib while leaving their readers in the dark about the real atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic terrorists, are complicit.

More from Jihadwatch:

Anyone who thinks that God's greatness is established by such acts of barbaric cruelty must be resisted at all costs. Yet those who hold to the same ideology, and who think that God Himself will grant Paradise to those who "kill and are killed" for Him (Qur'an 9:111), are streaming into Western countries, by the design and forethought of Western leaders, with no attempt whatsoever made to determine whether or not they approve of such slaughters and the ideology that motivates them.

This is insane.

Also see the article in the London Sunday Times--"Part of me died when I saw this cruel killing."

UPDATE: The video that Mudville Gazette references reportedly is a fraud. Everything else still applies.

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