Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Another Blog In The Cosmos

Every once in awhile I happen upon an interesting blog that is worth noting. Over the past couple of weeks I've been reading One Cosmos, a blog by clinical psychologist, Robert Godwin. It's an interesting blog that mixes elements of psychology, religion, politics, and sociology, among other things. His blog header describes it as:
Soph-Help Lumin Development, Paleoliberal Futurism, Pneumablogging Mental Gymgnostics, Leftist Noise Abatement, Darwhiggian Evolution, Supranatural Election, Isness Ministration, Evolutionary Traditionalism, Dilettantric Yoga, & Stand-up Cosmology for All
It's worth reading. I've already learned a lot. Keep up the good work, Dr. Godwin.

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