Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Couple Of Observations

The media typically do a fairly good job during the first couple of weeks of a "hot" war, when reporters have their hands full. It seems that after a couple of weeks, reporters get bored and start becoming analysts.

Take, for example, Shepard Smith of Fox News. On location in northern Israel, he's been giving breathless reports tonight about "enormous losses" being inflicted upon the Israeli's, with today being "the bloodiest day of the war." Upon first hearing his reporting, I thought perhaps Hezbollah had inflicted mass casualties on Israel with WMD or something. Turns out the grand total of Israeli KIAs is...9. It makes one wonder what superlatives he would have deployed had he covered the battle of Iwo Jima.

I'm just griping, I guess. But, hyperbole is not an appealing character trait for a journalist. Smith is becoming unbearable to watch.

One other news item of note: Sadaam Hussein reportedly said that, if found guilty, he would prefer to be shot rather than hung. To this I say, "Hang 'em High!"

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