Tuesday, September 05, 2006


There are some serious (but lovable) geeks that work at my office. You know the types. The ones who:

--have read Lord of the Rings every year since Junior High/Middle School and take every opportunity to remind anybody in earshot that the books were definately better than the movies

--have memorized the Elvin languages and geneologies of Lord of the Rings

excel at powerleveling in Dungeons & Dragons

are connoisseurs of special effects technology in the latest films

--debate if the extraterrestrial being in the movie Alien could win a fight against a ring wraith, among others.

The new thing for geeks to get excited about are "Femtroopers." According to this article, this new breakthrough in Sci-fi fandom "is perhaps the most celebratory development for horny Star Wars fans since Princess Leia became Jabba the Hutt's barge ho."

Femtroopers are a wet dream for Sci-fi nerds. (h/t Instapundit)

1 comment:

Myke said...

I'm going to release a level-three dungeon-master spell on you! And aliens can't beat a wringwraith- they're aliens, not magic (silly!) Unless the alien has a large supply of water around...

If you like femtroopers, you should check out femhobbits. That's hot stuff.