Thursday, September 21, 2006

More On Hugo's UN Address

Captain's Quarters provides some further analysis on the impact of Hugo Chavez's rantings at Turtle Bay yesterday.

Chavez apparently thought he could adapt Cindy Sheehan's protest rhetoric to impress New Yorkers, but it takes more than warmed-over Chomskyisms and a dash of religious hallucinations to shock people in the Big Apple or the United States. Unfortunately, the gathered representatives of governments around the world are more easily impressed by lunatic rantings -- or perhaps just more amused.

Chavez did more harm than good despite the resounding applause given to his speech. Venezuela has been strong-arming Latin America to get its seat on the Security Council. Up until yesterday, Chavez had made inroads with his neighbors, some of whom share his distaste for the Bush administration if not his paranoia. After his performance yesterday, though, analysts stated that Venezuela had little chance of allowing such a diplomatically inept regime control their representation.

It did more extensive damage than that. Chavez' rant went a long way to prove conservatives correct about endemic anti-Americanism in the United Nations. Even other nations appeared stunned by the ferocity of the remarks, such as China's foreign minister, who had to ask for confirmation of his remarks out of disbelief. The warmth of the reception of these remarks provided a stunning look at the hostility that the non-democratic nations have for the United States, especially in the General Assembly. It will add fuel to the fire for conservative skepticism of the body's effect on spreading freedom and liberty around the world, which is supposed to be one of the UN's core missions.

Instead, we see that the organization has increasingly been hijacked by petty petrocrats and hallucinating dictators as a vehicle for hatred and obloquy. When the leader of one sovereign nation uses the UN dais to issue thinly-veiled demands for the annihilation of another nation, and gets followed by a circus act that makes him look like a moderate, then we know that the inmates are running the Turtle Bay asylum. Yesterday, Chavez proved that all the UN is missing is enough straitjackets to go around.

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