Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bomb the Smurfs!

Independent Sources has the inside scoop of "the dumbest idea the UN has ever conceived [that's saying a lot]. Traumatizing kids so that they won’t be traumatized by something else.”

Here are some of the best comments from the links to several site links in the article:

It’s about time someone killed the Smurfs. They are probably terrorists and had it coming to them anyway. They should do an anti-war crimes video with the care bears. The Care Bears go to Abu Gharib. Have them cloaked in black hoods.

Seems to me kids should be scared of a land filled with several little blue men and one blue woman living in mushrooms.

Gravatar Smurf Village had WMDs in the north and the south and the east. We know they're there. The Smurfs are liberals and Democrats. Go bombers. Death to America. Mullah Smurf.

This may help raise awarness. Children are the main cause of war and they saw the consicquences (sic) of their action. Great, now their going to create more intifada Smurfs.

“If you choke a smurf, what color do they turn?”

Oh now I get it, war is bad.

Already, Cindy Smurfhan is arranging a demonstration and press conference which is to include the Rev. Al Smurfton to make sure that everyone places blame where blame is due: George BushGargymel!

1 comment:

Dayray said...

"Children are the main cause of war"? This quote really got to me. How can they say that? Do they even have children? Is the UN really that cold? I shake my head to them!