Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not Interested In Good News

The NY Times can't seem to keep its left-wing, anti-American-military bias out of its reporting. Fortunately, the guys at Powerline are on the case. What is unfortunate is that their selective use of "bad news only" reporting is symptomatic of anti-Americanism that permeates the leftist fringe of our society.

Here's an example of the total blackout on good news in Iraq from Major E., who is home from Baghdad for a couple of weeks while he and his wife await the arrival of their first child. Speaking of several addresses he has made to local civic and political groups, he notes:

What has struck me the most is how starved people are to know what is really going on over there. So many are quite grateful to hear a different perspective than the one that bombards them daily. Having watched the biased reporting since the beginning of the conflict, I was not surprised to discover that people want a more balanced perspective, even if the intensity is stronger than I expected. What has been surprising, though, and a bit disappointing, is that there has been a distinct split between the interest level of partisan political groups. I contacted county leadership for both Democrats and Republicans, along with non-partisan church and civic groups, and have received numerous requests from churches, non-partisan groups, and Republican organizations -- but zero from Democrats, despite following up with them several times.

I hope it is an anomaly, but I wonder if the fact that Democratic leaders in my county would rather accuse the troops at Gitmo of running a "gulag" than hear about the experiences of a service member who just returned from Iraq might be driving some folks away from their tent of "tolerance," not just here in Northern California but around the country.

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