Saturday, October 22, 2005

Today Was A Good Day

The wife and two eldest daughters left early this morning so the girls could sing background vocals for a children's praise and worship record. They were gone all day leaving me with Little Man and 'M' (the youngest girl). I woke up around 9:30 a.m. to 'M' sobbing, "I want to go with Momma." I wiped her tears and brought her in to watch TV in my room while I got ready. That did the trick.

Little Man woke up at the crack of 10:40 a.m. to eat some Lucky Charms and get suited up for his soccer game, where he proceeded to score 3 goals. Coach sat him out for the 4th quarter because it was becoming embarassing for the other team (Little Man is the star player, scoring virtually all our teams goals every game). On the way home, he asked if he could play with his best friend down the street, who looks like his twin brother. His friends' mom was amenable, so I dropped him off and took 'M' to our favorite restaurant "The Original Pancake House" for brunch. It was terrific. On the way home 'M' fell asleep and I was able to transfer her from car to bed without waking her (it was 50-50 for a minute there--whew!).

Then I did something that I haven't done for a long time. I hauled out my old Gretch combo amp, hooked it up in stereo to my '64 Fender Deluxe, plugged in my pedal board and electric guitar, and set out to write a new song. If you've read my blog for any period of time, you know I have lots of ideas and opinions, some of which I think would translate well into song. Unfortunately, the pressures of work, parenting, marriage, church, etc. seem to deplete my creative energy.

Today was my opportunity.

So, I set about to write a song about how oftentimes in my life I have felt underestimated. Not that I think I'm better than anyone else, it's more my reaction to the notion, stated or implied, that "I'll never amount to anything." I don't come from a family with an impressive pedigree, so I've worked really hard to make something of my life. I guess the song is a bit of a slap at those who didn't believe in me. It's almost completed and I'm pretty excited about it, especially considering the extended songwriting drought I've been in. The song is entitled "The King of Underestimation." Perhaps when I'm finished I'll post the lyrics.

All in all, today was a good day.

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