Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Where's the Love?

From Mark Krikorian over at The Corner:

More fairy takes about how humanitarian assistance will cause the Islamic world to love us. The latest is from the earthquake-hit area in Pakistan:
"While it is too early to reach firm conclusions, anecdotal interviews with earthquake survivors in this picturesque mountain district, known as Mansehra, suggest that American assistance may be improving Pakistanis' perceptions of the United States."
We also expected that after coming to the aid of starving Somalis, and beleaguered Bosnians, and conquered Kuwaitis, and tsunami-ravaged Indonesians -- and it never pans out. Now, there may be perfectly good moral or political reasons to do these things, but we need to discard the idea that people will be grateful for our largesse -- heck, the French still haven't forgiven us for freeing them from the Nazis.

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