Friday, December 30, 2005

Misplaced Hate

Sweden is such a liberal, tolerant place...unless you're a Christian. There, the hot trend in fashion is anti-Christian jeans. The designer states that he is making "an active statement against Christianity" because it is a "force of evil" that he blames for creating wars throughout history.


I can think of another religion whose adherents are currently responisible for starting regional wars, blowing up teenagers in pizza parlors, beheading innocent civilians, shooting civilian aid workers in the head (at least they left hers attached to her body), the unprovoked firing of rockets into a neighboring country (guess which one), committing genocide against Chistians in Sudan, violently attempting to subdue infidels (i.e. everyone else) in order to reestablish the Caliphate, stamping out free speech, outlawing Western music, murdering playwrights, issuing fatwas for the death of an author that has "offended" them, slitting the throat of innocent young girls to salvage "family honor,"gang raping women, and a host of other atrocities.

It's odd, but when I think of a "force of evil" in this world Christians don't come to mind.

Also, Little Green Footballs does an excellent job of keeping tabs on the "Religion of Peace."

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