Thursday, January 19, 2006

Crazy Canuck Communities

Sometimes I like to tease my Canadian relatives (including the wife) about the Great White North (all in good fun, though). Today I came across a list of funny Canadian city names over at The Corner. These include:
Medicine Hat, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Heart's Desire, Cupids, Penetanguishene, Yak, Ecum Secum, Sexsmith, and who can forget one of my favorites--St. Louis de Ha! Ha! But, the treasure trove of strange city names is Newfoundland, which is home to Spread Eagle, Come By Chance and this beauty.
This list is by no means exhaustive. There are many more Canadian city names that I can't pronounce and would take a paragrpaph to spell.


Here's a Web site that lists scores of unusual city names. Some of the top rated names of American cities:

Why, Climax, Crappo, Hell, Intercourse, Blue Ball, Boysack, Santa Clause, Gaysport, Monkey's Eyebrow, Oddville, Gayville, Christmas, Cut and Shoot, Earth, Yeehaw Junction, Mud Butte, Buttzville, Toad Suck, Boob Creek and, of course, California's own Oxnard.

What I really want to know is--who named Lake Titicaca?


Speaking of names, I have to throw in the lame joke about how Canada got its name (hat tip: The Corner).

Long ago, the original settlers were sitting around a campfire discussing what they should call their new country. So they wrote down letters on slips of paper, threw them into a hat, and started drawing them out. The first to come out was the letter C. So the guy said, "C, eh?" Next came, "N, eh?" Then finally, "D, eh?"

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