Sunday, January 08, 2006

Not The Sharpest Tool In The Shed

A good friend of mine was once visiting the U.S. Capitol and, upon turning a corner in one of the hallways, ran smack into Ted Kennedy. What impressed my friend the most about the encounter was Kennedy's diminutive stature and ruddy appearance (one too many martinis?), and the way he grumbled to himself as he walked away without exchanging the normal apologies that typically accompany such unfortunate accidents.

The Kennedy name is obviously as close to royalty as it gets in American political life. Ted is the "Lion" of the Democrat Party who is a giant in leftists circles. However, in addition to being a hypocrite (a whole chapter is dedicated to him in Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy) and a coward (Chappaquiddick anyone?) he's also, evidently, a mental midget.

Via Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit: TED KENNEDY REMEMBERS "the Goldwater Presidency."
Reynolds' riposte: Funny, I don't -- but I was pretty young then.
Also, read Ed Whelan's take down of Kennedy.

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