Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Making Mountains Out of Molehills

John Podhoretz provides a fair summation of what is happening with the Democrats at this week's Senate confirmation hearings:

What's going on in the Alito hearings is simple. Democrats have to vote against him because their donors, constituent organizations, and mouth-breathing lunatics who populate leftie websites demand it. But to vote against him, they need a reason -- any reason. So they're making mountains out of these molehills not because they expect to defeat him, but to give them cover for casting "nay" votes for someone who is clearly qualified, who knows his Constitution backwards and forwards, and who will be on the Supreme Court in very short order.

Via Mark Levin:

Sam Alito will be confirmed. The only question is how much more damage the Democrats will inflict on themselves during the course of these hearings.

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