Saturday, June 03, 2006

17 Terrorist Apprehended in Canada

Via Breitbart,
Canadian police foiled a homegrown terrorist attack by arresting 17 suspects. According to a report Saturday in The Toronto Star citing unidentified police sources, the suspects attended a terrorist training camp north of Toronto and had plotted to attack the Canadian spy agency's downtown Toronto office, among other targets in Ontario province. Authorities refused to confirm those reports.

"These individuals were allegedly intent on committing acts of terrorism against their own country and their own people," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement. "As we have said on many occasions, Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism."
It must have been there support for the U.S. in the Iraq War. Oh, I forgot. They didn't support us in the war. So, what would drive these residents of Canada, a compassionate and peaceful nation known for its generous social welfare benefits, to plan an attack that likely would have resulted in the mass murder of hundreds of its citizens? The article explains,
"The charges came under Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act. It was passed shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 assaults - and after Osama bin-Laden named Canada as one of five "Christian" nations that should be targeted for terror attacks (italics mine]. The other countries, the United States, Britain, Spain and Australia, have all been targeted."
As long as so-called Christian nations continue to hide their head in the sand and not confront the virulent ideology that is militant Islam, it is just a matter of time before another atrocity occurs at the hands of Islamists. We need to defeat these people militarily, financially, and most importantly, philosophically by demonstrating that theirbankrupt ideology leads only to death, destruction, and misery. It's good to see that Canada's new prime minister understands the threat.


John Hinderaker over at Powerline asks:

Do you suppose that breaking up these terrorist gangs may have involved intercepting some international phone calls and emails? No need to speculate:
Linking the international probes are online communications, phone calls and in particular videotapes that authorities allege show some of the targets the young extremists considered blowing up.

News reports also indicate that the Canadian authorities first became aware of the Toronto group through surveillance of password-protected web sites that promoted Islamic extremism. So the dark night of fascism is falling on Canada, too.

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