Monday, June 19, 2006

It's Unwatchable

The Hatemonger's Quarterly on the World Cup:
Here were two insignificant countries, whose young men would be better served working on their nation’s GDPs, kicking a soccer ball back and forth, standing still for long bouts of time, and generally doing nothing entertaining. All the while, the audience—which clearly loves low scores as much as it savors ties—was enraptured, howling chants and singing rousing songs.

What the heck is going on here? If the people of the world find Americans so stupid, why do they take delight in a game only slightly more pleasurable to watch than golf? Soccer hooligans can’t control themselves over this nonsense? Gosh: Soccer makes curling seem like D-Day. The enthusiasm is baffling. It defies logic.

I couldn't agree more. Admittedly, I love to watch my kids play soccer and compete with other kids. But, they actually score and there's usually some resolution to the game (a.k.a. a winner and a loser). Watching a mind-numbing 3+ hour match end in a 0-0 tie is as exciting as watching paint dry.

I have only two more words to say about the game of professional soccer: It sucks!


Anonymous said...

Many people also say "It's suck" to golf, baseball, Nascar, and American football, but are they really suck? May be, but just because you don't play the game (watching the kids play does not count), and don't completely comprehense the game (kicking the ball around a few time in the back yard does not count), does not mean that the game is suck. High score game, such as basketball, sometimes is actually very boring because all those scores really meaningless until the very last seconds. The typical pro-American football game is just too technical, too many stop-and-go/time out, too much sideline coaching (imagine taking the SAT/ACT with the tutors sitting outside the door for immediate consult), and the players are ridiculously too specialists (each person is assigned and trained for a specific skill). In addition most American pro sport games seem to gear (or set up) for television. The time out, stop-and-go are perfect for commercial. Some people said that those pro-games nowaday are more about entertainment, too much hype, and more about beer/potato chip commercials than sport. Are they right? Perhaps. The problem with American soccer is it's really suck. The pro-soccer in American lack skill players, and the team generally lack the finesse of the European and South American teams. If you pay attention the World Cup, the game is really play at whole different level than the casual MSL's championship game, and its intesity is really a lot more than the NBA final, and the Super Bowl combine (no offense).

Myke said...

Hey Lar, I think the game was a tie because one side was neutral, and the other side kept surrendering (can you guess which side?)

Anyway, I think you might have a professional hit out on you now that you've commented on soccer (is nothing sacred these days?)

I think our friend here summed it up perfectly, "...the game is suck." Oops- more of that famous liberal out-of-context-ism.

I feel playful today.

Go Edmonton!!!

LTA said...

Mike, I laughed out loud at your game analysis. Actually, I thought the comment from Anonymous was rather respectful considering the passions that the game stirs. I think the commenter made some good points about some American games that are boring (of course, I vehemently disagree about his basketball opinion). And, there's no question that the level of skill and competition in soccer is higher in most countries outside the U.S.

So, that sport is better left for the rest of the world. Us North Americans will have to stick to the ones we invented.

Sorry, but the 'Canes won the only Cup that matters!