Saturday, July 08, 2006

Chatting With Chomsky

I'm not a big fan of television shows which make a point of embarassing people. There's something in me that recoils when a scenario is set into play whereby the "subject" is made to look a fool. I think it steals some of their dignity (some would say certain people deserve to be made to look undignified). That's why I'm not a big fan of Ali G, although I do recognize the brilliance of Sacha Baron Cohen.

One thing I like less than these TV shows is virulent anti-American ideology, particularly of the academic variety. That's why it wasn't difficult to watch Ali G interview Noam Chomsky. Cohen didn't tread into political waters, which is fine. He just chatted with Chomsky about his area of study--linguistics. It's pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

So you like when Ali G is poking fun of people ... as long as they are the right people ... or should I say the "left" people.

LTA said...

Exactly. Well, not really. I actually don't think much of the whole genre, as my post indicates. While I found this (and other interviews he's done) only marginally amusing, I do respect his talent. And, I have a lot of friends who LOVE his stuff.

Anonymous said...

Well, I agree he has an incredible talent. It is often underrated owing to some of the juvenile aspects of his humour (those are the aspects I find most refreshing, by the way). I think my favourite performance is the one in which he dupes James Lipton of "Inside the Actors Studio". If you've not seen it, I recommend you watch it. It's incredible to hear Lipton pontificate about acting in an authoritative, demeaning and condescending way to someone who, by all rights, is one of the finest character actors to grace his presence. It's brilliant! A scrumptious performance served in a delectable irony glaze!

From reading your posts, I must concede, it doesn't surprise me that you find the genre only marginally humourous and palatable only when it applies to those on the "left." I don't mean that pejoratively. It's just pretty clear that you have a reverence for all things American, Christian and Right Wing. You don't seem to have much time for things that don't fall into one, or all three, of those buckets. The links and passages you cite seem to indicate that there won't be much exposure to anything that might widen that view any time soon.

You're certainly not in the minority in America today. In fact, it seems to be the norm. So I'm not sure why it fascinates me so, but I marvel at the perspective. It's not just the Christian Right, it's the extremist view of Americans left and right. It's fascinating how Americans choose up sides and never the twain shall meet. There is no Demilitarized Zone and little, if any, room for people who have a blue and red mosaic of personal politics and philosphy. Absolutely fascinating. Well, I guess that's what makes America what it is ... good, bad and ugly.

LTA said...

You're right that I do revere America and Jesus Christ, and I am politically conservative, although I have many disagreements with my party (refer to my recent post about flag burning) and some who share my religion.

You suggest that I am close-minded, which is not uncommon for people of the left and, I would submit, partly explains the red-blue divide of which you speak.

Allow me to follow your lead and generalize a bit.

Elitists on the left like to think of themselves as smarter, more compassionate and open-minded than conservatives, but are often quite the opposite. They call out for diversity; but, prefer the kind that only goes "skin-deep." They are generally intolerant of conservative points of view (e.g. pro-American and/or Christian) which they find distasteful and look down upon their noses at the "quaint' beliefs of Middle America. They view themselves as morally superior and culturally enlightened. Thus, leftists don't believe that conservatives are simply wrong, they see them as evil and/or stupid. I could go on, but am constrained by space and time.

Believe me. I know that the right wing has many of its own lunatics and haters. There are people like that in all walks of life and political persuasions, which makes it difficult to find common ground. But, without question, the most hostility these days comes from the left and I often point that out.

I could spend time lamenting the situation, but prefer to use my blog to express certain deeply-held points of view and try to flesh out others which are not as well developed.

In truth, the vast majority of the American public do not follow politics, as you and I do. For better or for worse, most Americans don't give a rat's ass one way or the other. Your fascination with our country's political divisions is laudable and I appreciate you reading and commenting on my blog. You are respectful and obviously quite intelligent. Two qualities I admire. I welcome your comments.

Also, thanks for the tip regarding the Ali G interview of James Lipton. I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

You mention that I suggested you're closed-minded, "which is not uncommon of the people of the left". Two points there:

1) "My Leftiness" ... The implication from your comment seems to be that I, and my beliefs, belong to the "Left". You might not be implying that. You might just be suggesting that I share the notion of you being closed-minded with the those on the "Left". But, I think you're more likely implying that I, myself, am on the "Left" and because I'm on the left, I view you as closed-minded. For a start, I'm actually not on the "Left".

I'm not sure what you consider to be the "Right", but if you look up the political definition, it neither requires you to be Christian nor American. So, if you were lumping me into the left because I'm neither Christian nor American, I'd protest. I'm very much in agreement with some policies that are typically placed on the right side of the political spectrum. If beaten into pigeon-holing my political beliefs, I suspect I'd concede little more than being in the middle. That was the very point I was making. People in the US that have any interest in politics don't live in the middle. They choose up sides and push each other further into their respective parties and further to the left and right. That's what I find so intriguing. Such polarization is really fascinating. It's not a sleight of words or an attack on the US. It's just a morose fascination with what I consider a sad phenomenon.

2) "Your Closed-Mindedness" ... It's unfortunate that you focused so intently on the comments about the reading material. I wasn't suggesting that you were closed-minded. I was simply suggesting that the material that you're reading seems only to come from the one side. That's not to say that you don't have an open mind and couldn't/wouldn't/haven't changed your perspective. It's just to say that from the current reading list, it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of variety and not much change in the forecast. You're happy where you are and happy reading what you read and that's cool. Go! Be! Do your thing, man!

On another note, you said "But, without question, the most hostility these days comes from the left and I often point that out." I truly mean no offence by this response, but that is a ridiculous statement. How can you say the most hostility comes from ANY group? What do you have a "hostil-o-meter" that you use to take readings of various people and then you compile the data, run a regression analysis and arrive at the group who emits the greatest amount of hostility? How do you calibrate that instrument to get the best measurement? That's the sort of ludicrous statement that is common of BOTH the Left AND the Right and it's statements like THAT one which create the great divide -- it's not the opinions on either side.

Finally, I appreciate your compliment on my intelligence and it's clear from your blog you're an intelligent and caring man. It would be nice to see you post from a diversity of material though, simply for interest sake. You know, post something from what you might consider the Looney Lefties with a purpose other than making it a political pinata -- you know ... just with the thought of "that's an interesting perspective" . Maybe even throw something from the anarchists in there. You know ... run from Al Franken to Rush Limbaugh with a little Howard Stern thrown in to stir things up. From Stryper to Jello Biafra with a little Sex Pistols, or GG Allin thrown in for good measure (incidentally GG Allin was actually born "Jesus Christ Allin" -- Can you imagine?).

Anyway, keep bloggin' and maybe explore some middle ground. Peace.

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