Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Silent Genocide

My recent post on the atrocities being committed openly in Darfur got me to thinking about state-sanctioned atrocities that are occurring almost invisibly in our country everyday.

With the likely confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, which is expected to tip the balance of the Court to the right, the debate over abortion has begun to reappear on the front pages again. To say that passions run high on both sides is to state the obvious. I highly recommend Redstate's devastating commentary from the pro-life perspective about the silent genocide of 40 million of our nation's unborn children. Among other things, the Redstate commentary laments the fact that neither side appears willing to engage the other in meaningful debate or accept compromise. In fact, the rhetoric has gotten so bad that some mothers exult in their little "murders." So, how do you have a conversation with people who are unwilling (and/or unable) to countenance an opposing argument without resorting to ad hominem attacks?

Have a look at these pictures taken at a recent walk-for-life march in San Francisco to see what I mean. Here you will see "liberals," who would presumably defend free speech for the likes of Amercia haters such as Harry Belafonte and Michael Moore, attempting to suppress the speech of others vis-a-vis a non-violent street march. These same types also can be found suppressing free speech via election day sabotage and intimidation on university campuses.

Until the left can pull themselves out of the fever swamps and begin to make coherent arguments while respecting opposing viewpoints, I suspect that our national dialogue will become even more confrontational and, to our great detriment, less transformational in the years to come.


The Belmont Club has a more expansive discussion of this topic and notices some of this same virulent extremism rearing its ugly head in Canada. It's well worth the read.


On the lighter side, Greg Gutfeld has posted a Roe v. Wade joke page. Here's a sample:
A man finds a fetus on a park bench, crying, and asks "What's the matter?" The fetus responds, "I just got aborted!" "That's terrible," says the man, "but it could be worse. If you were born you'd probably end up fighting a war you don't support in Iraq."

1 comment:

~A4O~ said...

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When you get a chance you should visit my blog at www.fabelstales.blogspot.com

I have over 32 poems, some in audio, awesome illustrations and pictures to help capture your eye. Don't be affraid to scroll down near the bottom of the page. You'll find your horoscope and a "Today in History" for your viewing pleasure. You'll also find some of my favorite pieces of work, like the poem "Words" and "No Evil."

I hope you enjoy and please come back soon. Thanks and have a good one, Mike. A.K.A-The Scribe-