Monday, June 19, 2006

Yorke Admits Hypocrisy

Radiohead front man Thom Yorke admits to being "an environmental hypocrite" because of his tours around the world.
Yorke is a vocal ambassador for the charity Friends Of The Earth, but admits he isn't "flawless", since big concerts, tours and festivals rely on fossil fuel and create tons of unrecyclable waste. He says, "I don't drive a big car, but I don't come out of it dirt-free. "The whole apparatus of big festivals is not cool. If we could go to them and say, you can only use paper cups, you can't use generators, you have to use solar panels. "You technically can't make it happen. That stresses me out, because I am a hypocrite.
At least Yorke is honest enough to admit it. You don't see Al Gore agonizing over the environment as he flies back and forth across the country promoting his new movie. Obviously, no one is perfect and I respect people who care about, and are trying to do something to improve, the environment. It's just irritating when some people get on their moral high horse and act as if they are purer than anyone else. Generally speaking, I think most people care for the environment and want to pollute as little as possible. I have no problem with being encouraged to do better. But, spare me the moralizing. It's refreshing to hear Thom Yorke admit he's human.


Myke said...

I agree: it is refreshing to see someone so honest about themselves. It bothers me that I drive a muscular V6, or that I use A/C from time to time, but simply me existing can have a negative impact on the planet. I think Thom should realize that the fuel he consumes powers the bus which takes him to the Radiohead shows, which make the world a better place. If it bothers him enough, he could always do the Jack Johnson thing and get a bus that runs on Bio-Diesel. Or he can hitch a ride with Gore on his tour bus.

LTA said...

I totally agree that your mere existence has a negative impact on the planet. Perhaps not as deleterious as Ryan Webster's (Star Wars is on HBO and Vader's breathing reminded me of him), but harmful nontheless.

Ha! Just teasing, bro. You know I love ya.

How weird would it be for Radiohead to do a world tour opening for Gore?