Friday, November 25, 2005

Can't Wait to Get Back to Killin'

This freakin' psychopath is a former torturer for Sadaam Hussein who relishes the opportunity to go back to work torturing and executing his fellow Iraqis. Here's a brief look at his handywork:

Death always came after weeks of torture. "Sometimes we would hang them upside down and beat their feet with clubs. Or we would electrocute them," he said.

"One of the worst things was putting 10 people in a one-square-metre room for weeks. They had a brief break every day and were allowed the toilet every three days," he said.

Three executions were carried out each Monday and Thursday. One day Saddam's feared son Uday showed up and asked about eight political prisoners standing nearby. He ordered their immediate execution, said Abu Hussein.

Abu Hussein, a father of three, said watching men writhe in agony as they died sometimes made him cry. But he said nobody could afford to defy orders in Saddam's Iraq.

"We would have been killed on the spot. One time this executioner was one hour late in hanging someone and he was himself hanged. What could we do? All of this had a toll on us," he said.

"I cry every time I think that he is on trial. I pray for his strength and freedom. Saddam must come back to rule Iraq," he told Reuters in an interview on Friday. "I am ready to return to my job if Saddam comes back."

Is it just me, or is it strange that Reuters profiles this guy-a Sunni who works in the Interior Ministry, which is dominated by Shi'ites oppressed under Hussein-and yet doesn't tell law enforcement of his crimes and whereabouts. I mean, it sounds like this guy is responsible for incredible amounts of suffering and rivers of Iraqi blood. At what point does human decency trump a good story?

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