Friday, November 04, 2005

Dems Lying Again

Bill Crawford over at All Things Conservative has a good post discussing today's lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal. The editorial outlines how Bush-hating liberals are slandering the President by continuing to claim that he lied about pre-war intelligence. The editorial states,

In short, everyone who has looked into the question of whether the Bush Administration lied about intelligence, distorted intelligence, or pressured intelligence agencies to produce assessments that would support a supposedly pre-baked decision to invade Iraq has come up with the same answer: No, no, no and no.

John Hinderaker at Powerline thinks that something else is at play in the Dems' strategerie of stupidity.

...the whole idea that the administration would use Iraq's WMDs as a "pretext" for war is stupid. If the administration knew Saddam didn't have the weapons, then it also knew its "pretext" would be exposed as soon as the invasion was complete. No one would be dumb enough to go to war on the basis of a claim that was not only wrong, but would quickly be shown to be wrong. So the Democrats aren't acting in good faith, they're playing politics.

...the Senate Democrats can't come through for their party where it counts. I doubt that the timing of the Month of Valerie is a coincidence; I suspect it is intended mostly to distract the Democratic base from the reality of the Senate Democrats' impotence.

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