Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Oriana Fallaci on the War Against Islamofascism

Atlas Shrugs reports on a recent speech about the evils of Islamofascism and the inability of Western Civilization to effectively combat it, which was given by Oriana Fallaci, a famous author and journalist who is dying of cancer. Read this post. It is rather lengthy and apparently written on the fly, but provides some excellent insights. Here are some excerpts:

"Our opponents are leftists. Conservative are too genteel. You are warriors and warriors can not get tired."

"The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage."

In describing despotism, Fallaci said the despot ignores the body and attacks the soul. Because it is the soul the despot wants to put in chains. The despot wants to put the soul in shackles. "You are free not to think. Think as I do. The Truth Inspires Fear".

"Europe overflows with the witch hunts.... hits any one going against Islam. It overflows the with New Inquisition. Trying to muzzle. Oh yes, like your Ward Churchills, your Noam Chomskys, your Louis Farrakhans and your Michael Moore's etc. TRAITORS! against which all antidotes seem to fail. Combined Neo-Nazi [and] Islamo fascism" [Atlas note: Fallaci spit these names out with such repulsion and utter contempt........riveting].

Like love, hate belongs to human nature. Should there be a penal code for the persecution for "hate"? Can we judge? Yes! It can be judged, but only on a moral basis. For instance, the moral basis of religion, the Christian religion, is based on love, not on a political basis or a criminal basis..........."It grants me the right to love who I want but also the right to hate who I want. And the West directs a hate towards itself. The West has lost its spirituality. It stands silent in the slander of Islam. The censure of Europe. Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder," the historian Arnold Toynbee wrote.

"Don't believe in a dialog with Islam. That's a naivete. It can only be a monologue. They do not believe in pluralism. There is no such thing as a "moderate Islam" and a Radical Islam. There is only one Islam." [Atlas note: I too believe this as much as it pains me to say it. I would like nothing better to believe that there is a side we can do business with, talk to. But that is self deluding].

"The real enemy is Islam and the most catastrophic threat is immigration not terror. It is immigration. And they do not integrate in Europe. Maybe in the USA but not in Europe. Those riots in France are a result of that very thing. The Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. immigrants are not rioting and tearing down the very fabric of society."


In light of the weight of evidence that Western Civilization will not defend itself, Fallaci appeared to succumb to fatalism:

"I do not believe the West will win" [it's war against militant Islam].

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