Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fait Accompli?

This is a thoughtful analysis of the crisis in Western Europe which, as the author explains, is symptomatic of a larger problem.
Multiculturalists overlooked a major flaw in their rationalist creed: the world is not only composed of many cultures, but also a handful of civilizations, of which cultures are a subset. The strife in France’s cites are less about chafing cultures than it is about the age old divide between Islamic and Christian civilizations. I really doubt that multicivilization is a remotely workable concept. Multiculturalism can only work under the roof of one civilization. This war is not between cultures; it’s between civilizations. It’s not about i-dotting and t-crossing in a multicultural court; it’s about Sharia versus liberal democracy. There’s a choice at hand, and there’s really no complacent, pacifist middle ground to mix oil and water. They will not mix.

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