Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Party of (In)Tolerance, Part II

That our schools are predominated by leftists teachers and administrators is well known. But, does anyone believe that liberal/leftist educators really care about tolerating views other than their own? These champions of tolerance rarely miss an opportunity to inject their political ideology into their curriculum; but, they become hysterical when conservative students espouse their own world views and/or religious beliefs.

During my college years leftists professors tried to humiliate me and other conservative students on a number of occasions because we presented thoughtful arguments antithetical to liberal orthodoxy. These guardians of free speech and expression often couldn't put their prejudices/hatred aside long enough to afford us the freedom to contribute to the marketplace of ideas. Teachers ostensibly concerned with "preventing a hostile learning environment" were actually creating one. The implication was that only acceptable speech was permissible. As a result, many students came to believe that sharing a conservative viewpoint was tantamount to "shoving our values down their throats."

Well, it is no surprise that leftists educators are still at it. Although examples are myriad, a couple of the most recent instances of leftist hostility toward conservatives are here and here. Thankfully, the bully in the former example has resigned.

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