Monday, November 21, 2005

"Smart" Liberals Are Moral Idiots

Some liberals are so irritating. Particularly the ones that think they're smarter than everyone else. You know, the condescending types. Well, Paul Mirengoff at Powerline puts the wood to one of those liberals--Chris Matthews--who claims that terrorists are not evil and that "the smartest people understand the enemy's point of view..." After ripping apart the controversial portion of Matthews' speech, Mirengoff's concludes:

Matthews' enemy is the Bush administration, and he clearly doesn't understand it's point of view.
Sometimes I wonder if liberals live in a parallel universe. Today I was listening to Michael Medved's radio program and some young guy called who was basically making the same argument as Matthews. That is, we shouldn't judge the hearts/motives of someone as "evil" because our morality is no better than theirs...blah, blah, blah. Medved asked him to repudiate the notion that terrorists who slam planes into buildings for the purpose of killing as many civilians as possible aren't evil, and the guy couldn't bring himself to do it. He had these pathetic "don't judge me" answers couched in the language of moral relativism, which he probably just learned in his Philosophy 101 class at school. It doesn't take long for the university system to turn perfectly good gray matter to mush when it comes to understanding good and evil.

I wish Medved would have asked him if he thought George W. Bush was evil. I bet he wouldn't have equivocated with that question. Liberals may see no evil and hear no evil (though they make exceptions for Republicans), but those within the Party of Compassion and Tolerance certainly can speak evil.


Via The Politicker:

Funny how George Bush is "evil" and doesn't just have a "different perspective".

Michelle Malkin has it right: Remember this perspective?

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