Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Air Ameriscam

Hugh Hewitt and a host of other bloggers are keeping tabs on the growing scam at the far-left radio network, Air America. It will be interesting to see if the MSM picks up on this. Here's a selection from Hugh's article in the Weekly Standard.
When Air America launched last year, it was the beneficiary of more free publicity than any radio show or network launch had ever received. So desperate was the mainstream media to find some left-leaning response to the Limbaugh-led revolution in talk radio that the many and obvious flaws in the network's offerings went largely unreported. To its troubles over audience decline must now be added the very strong smell of scandal.

The full details are available from bloggers Radio Equalizer, Michelle Malkin, and Ed Morrissey, and New York Sun reporter David Lombino is digging as well. Short version: Not-for-profits that exist to serve kids and Alzheimer's' patients, overwhelmingly via the funds obtained from government grants, should not be "investing" in incredibly risky start-up radio networks. But the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club--apparently now defunct--did just that last spring, funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into Air America's coffers.

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