Thursday, August 04, 2005

Secularism and the meaningless life

Up until now I hadn't posted explicitly about religion (although previous posts about terrorism occassionally involve thoughts about Islamic religious ideology). Nevertheless, I find it a fascinating and important topic that is worthy of discussion.

The title of this post links to an article by one of my favorite people--Dennis Prager. Dennis is a highly respected talk-show host who broadcasts a morning show (9 a.m. to noon, PST) on KRLA in the Los Angeles area (sorry for the commercial). He also writes syndicated columns, lectures, and teaches the Old Testament (he's a devout Jew), among other things (he even conducts orchestras occassionally). One of things I admire about Dennis is his love for truth and clarity. The article I link to discusses the meaning of life through the eyes of the secular compared to the way those who subscribe to the Judeo-Christian value system see it. The following is a selection from the article.

"If there is no God as Judeo-Christian religions understand Him, life is a meaningless random event. You and I are no more significant, our existence has no more meaning, than that of a rock on Mars. The only difference between us and Martian rocks is that we need to believe our existence has significance."

He makes a compelling case, as you will see if you read the whole article.

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