Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Keep Quiet And Listen!

I love Victor Davis Hanson's writing. He's a brilliant thinker and commentator. The title of this post links to an article in which he argues that we should actually listen to the words of radical Islamo-fascists because they may portend an ominous future.
Throughout this war we have an understandable, if ethnocentric, habit of ignoring what our enemies actually say. Instead we chatter on, don’t listen, and in self-absorbed fashion impart our own motives for their hatred. We live on the principles of the Enlightenment and so worship our god Reason, thus assuming that even our adversaries accept such rational protocols as their own.

So they talk on and on of beheading, suicide bombing, another holocaust, and blowing thousands of us up, while we snooze, now and again waking in the midst of a war to regurgitate Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, flushed Korans, the abusive Patriot Act, and the latest quip of Donald Rumsfeld.

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