Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bush Didn't Lie

Phil Hendrie has a syndicated radio show that is brilliantly funny, if sometimes (way) over the top. However, 0n the occasion that he is serious, he is a clear thinker who is very persuasive. In this article he critiques the canard that is so often bandied about by the anti-war movement--"Bush Lied."

Be sure to read some of the comments section. My favorite one so far is...
What bugs me about the "Bush Lied" canard is the subliteracy of those who use it. To lie is not merely to say something that is untrue--Ptolemy wasn't "lying" when he claimed that the sun revolves around the earth. He was merely mistaken. "Lying" implies intention to deceive. Considering that every authoritative source (not counting Sean Penn, of course) believed that Saddam was in possession of the raw materials to produce WMDs, it is hardly credible to suggest that Bush "lied". At best, he was merely wrong. But we shouldn't underestimate the need amongst the 9/10 crowd to bask in the warm glow of their infinite self-righteousness and self-supposed moral superiority. This need makes meaningful, intelligent dialogue impossible, since the 9/10ers can't merely disagree with Bush and supporters of the war--they must make them evil. If they are the angels, Bush and his supporters MUST be the devils. Self-righteousness cannot permit moral ambiguity or honest disagreement.

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