Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What Left-wing Bias?

Anybody who casually observes the mainstream media (MSM) coverage of the Iraq War knows how biased (i.e. dishonest) it can be. Arthur Chrenkoff presents a case in point.
When parents of a Marine from Ohio killed in Iraq call in question President Bush's strategy in Iraq, advocating either escalation or complete withdrawal, and call Cindy Sheehan "the Rosa Parks of the new movement opposing the Iraq war", "The Washington Post" thinks the story is important enough to make page A02 of the paper (hat tip: Little Green Footballs). When a mother of a Marine from Ohio killed in Iraq says "The dedication to the cause is something to admire... How proud we are of these young men, and what they continue to do and what they stand for", it gets the last paragraph of a story on page A19. Go figure.

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